HazelAero is Now a Peachscore Accelerator Portfolio Company!

I am writing this blog post with great pride to report that HazelAero has now graduated from Peachscore Accelerator and will be participating in the Demo Day at the end of February 2025.

During this pitch we will be raising funds towards building both a subscale experiment and small scale prototype to test the patent and showcase the aircraft concept globally throughout the second half of 2025 and beginning of 2026. Now that we will finally be raising funds, we intend on prototyping in quick succession and having a final iteration that will be sent through certification by the end of 2028. It is a very tight schedule, but we believe we will be able to secure this with much dedication and devotion to our cause of drastically reducing the amount of death and destruction the world faces post disaster.

With completing this accelerator, and looking back on the immense progress we have made in the past six (6) months, we are now more confident than ever that this mission will be completed in due time.

In order to view our demo day pitch, please follow this link to the Peachscore Portfolio Demo Day Feed.

We’re Just Getting Started: Amazing Recent Developments

It’s been so long since this blog has been updated, but it is not due to inaction from this startup journey.

In fact, so much has been going on that there has been little time to post a sincere update anywhere. Great progress has been made thus far in this startup journey and it’s only right that we update it directly to the website as well.

On March 26th, 2024, our patent was granted after much anxious awaiting. There were hangups here and there in the process that made what was supposed to be a six-month journey take the typical 2 years. However, despite the anxieties and nail biting, the patent was finally granted and we are doing our best to build the technology to prove its real world feasibility by the end of 2025.

Our patent combines many theories which will allow for manned aircraft to vertically takeoff and land (VTOL) on the surface of water. This is something that has not been publicly attempted before in history. So, our goal is huge and will require great backing and extended research and testing. This is a major scientific development which is gaining much attention in multiple parts of the world right now as I type up this blog post. Here is a link to the patent if you would like to read more about it: https://patents.google.com/patent/US11939054B2/

Another major development in this startup journey is that I, the CEO of HazelAero, have decided to develop this technology in South Korea rather than the United States. There are a lot of government incentives available for electric aircraft in South Korea that I hope to gain access to soon. We maintain a US based address for official business dealings, however. The US address is a branch office and our headquarters are now in Seoul, South Korea.

And, perhaps, the greatest development in this startup journey most recently is that HazelAero has been accepted into the Peachscore accelerator. This is a 12 week accelerator and we are now entering week 5. We are learning a great deal in the process of this program and will be participating in the demo day in August where we will pitch our business to investors and corporations alike.

Very, very exciting developments are underway here at HazelAero and thank you for joining us along the ride.


Top 3 reasons eVTOL are Best for Disaster Relief

3 Reasons Why eVTOL are Prime Candidates for Disaster Relief

Hello dear readers! In this blog post, I will briefly detail HazelAero’s top 3 reasons why we believe that eVTOL can be used for far greater missions than just air taxis. Now, this is not to say air taxis are not necessary! Accessible public transportation is extremely important and not to be looked down upon. It’s just that we at HazelAero believe that there is more to this story that can be written.

Before we dive in, I would like to thank those of you who have already contributed to our crowdfunding raise! I am eternally grateful to all of you and we are all working tirelessly to see this mission through.

First, we must define the problem of Disaster Relief and just how we got here. Many people are now acknowledging that our dependence on fossil fuels has landed us in the hot seat. The hot seat is Earth itself. It’s hot! We’re in a heatwave here in Central Texas and every climate scientist/engineer has been sounding the alarm for what has now become a crisis; Climate Change, the decay of the Ozone layer, global warming–take your pick of a term to use!

But it is not only this extremely hot summer that everyone is warning us about. It’s the wildfires, scary uptick in tropical storms, the rising sea levels, all of these, and more. It’s everywhere, rightfully, a constant reminder that the earth is burning!

So, let’s talk about how we at HazelAero are addressing this with our designs:

1. It's Electric!

Let’s start at the beginning. eVTOL means ELECTRIC Vertical Takeoff and Landing. NO fossil fuels are used, which means no further nitrogen oxide air pollution! This is why we chose eVTOL for our disaster relief airplane designs because we beg the question: why contribute to the problem creating the disaster? That problem again is climate change.

  • The lack of fossil fuel is also the main point of the eVTOL movement in the aviation industry. It is being sold as a very great win for the consumer and producer thanks to its affordability. Still, I personally think it should also be stressed that this is just a very nice win towards the dire need for a reversal of the damage done to the Earth.

2. They're Quiet!

Without the use of gasoline made from fossil fuels, there is no combustion which will lead to, well, pollution. But not only pollution that you can see but the pollution that you can HEAR. Yes, noise pollution is very real and not something that is to be played with. There have been studies where it was seen that those who live near airports have developed heart disease at a much quicker pace than the general population. Conventional aircraft are LOUD. It’s just the name of the game and it’s been a long issue that is still being addressed today. Typical electric motors are much quieter. It’s often a sales point on manufacturers’ websites that the motor is near silent. “But why does that matter in a disaster situation?” Dear reader, of course, that matters in a disaster situation! With a survivor’s health already on the line, the stress of hearing an internal combustion engine that can reach about 85 dB, even for a small passenger plane is far too much.

3. Why not?

And lastly, Why Not? Why not innovate with people in mind? Why not push the design envelope? What possible reason could there be out there to not apply what is known to what is for certain to find something that could be revolutionary?

And We’re Live

And We're Live!

Greetings and welcome to the HazelAero Blog! It’s me, Dominique Mojay, Founder and CEO of HazelAero.


This type of blog existed long ago on a very baby version of the HazelAero website that is somewhere in these Internet archives, but this version is official! It’s here to stay!

On this blog, I will be briefly highlighting important pieces in all things electric and zero-emission aircraft, especially propulsion related!

Most recently, I have been conducting research on the various fuels being used and emerging in the zero-emission aircraft market and I’ve found some interesting takes. Here, I would like to share my personal take on the future of aviation in terms of fuel. Is it batteries that will bring us to Eden? Bio-Fuels made from corn and even prompting for further legalization of marijuana? Or could it be Futuristic Frozen Hydrogen Fuel Tanks?

We as an industry focus far too much on possible solutions rather than defining definite problems. Sure, it is true that we are faced with so many problems that is so easy to zero in on one (1) of them and go from there because we are human after all. We cannot look in two (2) directions at once, however, we can solve more than one problem with one solution (that good ol’ two birds with one (1) stone type of logic) and that’s a knee-jerk reaction we have to many issues. I’m going to ask a very radical question right now.

 What if we simply acknowledged there is no right solution?

 Because, in my professional opinion, there isn’t one. The world isn’t made for one type of anything and one type of battery, bio-fuel, or hydrogen fuel-cell is going to put a halt to the mess made by few and affecting many right now

Maybe I should phrase my opinion of it differently.

There might be no wrong answer. The conclusion I’ve drawn is that, depending on where the aircraft is located on this earth the fuel that must be used for it is going to change.

Sustainability is not a one-size-fits-all magic glove like fossil fuels have been treated all these years.



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